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<title>GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals: RTL Classes</title>
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<a name="RTL-Classes-and-Formats"></a>
<h3 class="section">13.2 RTL Classes and Formats</h3>
<a name="index-RTL-classes"></a>
<a name="index-classes-of-RTX-codes"></a>
<a name="index-RTX-codes_002c-classes-of"></a>
<a name="index-GET_005fRTX_005fCLASS"></a>
<p>The various expression codes are divided into several <em>classes</em>,
which are represented by single characters. You can determine the class
of an RTX code with the macro <code>GET_RTX_CLASS (<var>code</var>)</code>.
Currently, <samp>rtl.def</samp> defines these classes:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>An RTX code that represents an actual object, such as a register
(<code>REG</code>) or a memory location (<code>MEM</code>, <code>SYMBOL_REF</code>).
<code>LO_SUM</code>) is also included; instead, <code>SUBREG</code> and
<code>STRICT_LOW_PART</code> are not in this class, but in class <code>x</code>.
<dd><p>An RTX code that represents a constant object. <code>HIGH</code> is also
included in this class.
<dd><p>An RTX code for a non-symmetric comparison, such as <code>GEU</code> or
<dd><p>An RTX code for a symmetric (commutative) comparison, such as <code>EQ</code>
or <code>ORDERED</code>.
<dd><p>An RTX code for a unary arithmetic operation, such as <code>NEG</code>,
<code>NOT</code>, or <code>ABS</code>. This category also includes value extension
(sign or zero) and conversions between integer and floating point.
<dd><p>An RTX code for a commutative binary operation, such as <code>PLUS</code> or
<code>AND</code>. <code>NE</code> and <code>EQ</code> are comparisons, so they have class
<dd><p>An RTX code for a non-commutative binary operation, such as <code>MINUS</code>,
<code>DIV</code>, or <code>ASHIFTRT</code>.
<dd><p>An RTX code for a bit-field operation. Currently only
<code>ZERO_EXTRACT</code> and <code>SIGN_EXTRACT</code>. These have three inputs
and are lvalues (so they can be used for insertion as well).
See <a href="Bit_002dFields.html#Bit_002dFields">Bit-Fields</a>.
<dd><p>An RTX code for other three input operations. Currently only
<code>IF_THEN_ELSE</code>, <code>VEC_MERGE</code>, <code>SIGN_EXTRACT</code>,
<code>ZERO_EXTRACT</code>, and <code>FMA</code>.
<dd><p>An RTX code for an entire instruction: <code>INSN</code>, <code>JUMP_INSN</code>, and
<code>CALL_INSN</code>. See <a href="Insns.html#Insns">Insns</a>.
<dd><p>An RTX code for something that matches in insns, such as
<code>MATCH_DUP</code>. These only occur in machine descriptions.
<dd><p>An RTX code for an auto-increment addressing mode, such as
<code>POST_INC</code>. &lsquo;<samp>XEXP (<var>x</var>, 0)</samp>&rsquo; gives the auto-modified
<dd><p>All other RTX codes. This category includes the remaining codes used
only in machine descriptions (<code>DEFINE_*</code>, etc.). It also includes
all the codes describing side effects (<code>SET</code>, <code>USE</code>,
<code>CLOBBER</code>, etc.) and the non-insns that may appear on an insn
chain, such as <code>NOTE</code>, <code>BARRIER</code>, and <code>CODE_LABEL</code>.
<code>SUBREG</code> is also part of this class.
<a name="index-RTL-format"></a>
<p>For each expression code, <samp>rtl.def</samp> specifies the number of
contained objects and their kinds using a sequence of characters
called the <em>format</em> of the expression code. For example,
the format of <code>subreg</code> is &lsquo;<samp>ei</samp>&rsquo;.
<a name="index-RTL-format-characters"></a>
<p>These are the most commonly used format characters:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>An expression (actually a pointer to an expression).
<dd><p>An integer.
<dd><p>A wide integer.
<dd><p>A string.
<dd><p>A vector of expressions.
<p>A few other format characters are used occasionally:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>u</samp>&rsquo; is equivalent to &lsquo;<samp>e</samp>&rsquo; except that it is printed differently
in debugging dumps. It is used for pointers to insns.
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>n</samp>&rsquo; is equivalent to &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo; except that it is printed differently
in debugging dumps. It is used for the line number or code number of a
<code>note</code> insn.
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>S</samp>&rsquo; indicates a string which is optional. In the RTL objects in
core, &lsquo;<samp>S</samp>&rsquo; is equivalent to &lsquo;<samp>s</samp>&rsquo;, but when the object is read,
from an &lsquo;<samp>md</samp>&rsquo; file, the string value of this operand may be omitted.
An omitted string is taken to be the null string.
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>V</samp>&rsquo; indicates a vector which is optional. In the RTL objects in
core, &lsquo;<samp>V</samp>&rsquo; is equivalent to &lsquo;<samp>E</samp>&rsquo;, but when the object is read
from an &lsquo;<samp>md</samp>&rsquo; file, the vector value of this operand may be omitted.
An omitted vector is effectively the same as a vector of no elements.
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>B</samp>&rsquo; indicates a pointer to basic block structure.
<dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>0</samp>&rsquo; means a slot whose contents do not fit any normal category.
&lsquo;<samp>0</samp>&rsquo; slots are not printed at all in dumps, and are often used in
special ways by small parts of the compiler.
<p>There are macros to get the number of operands and the format
of an expression code:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><a name="index-GET_005fRTX_005fLENGTH"></a>
<dt><code>GET_RTX_LENGTH (<var>code</var>)</code></dt>
<dd><p>Number of operands of an RTX of code <var>code</var>.
<a name="index-GET_005fRTX_005fFORMAT"></a>
<dt><code>GET_RTX_FORMAT (<var>code</var>)</code></dt>
<dd><p>The format of an RTX of code <var>code</var>, as a C string.
<p>Some classes of RTX codes always have the same format. For example, it
is safe to assume that all comparison operations have format <code>ee</code>.
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>All codes of this class have format <code>e</code>.
<dd><p>All codes of these classes have format <code>ee</code>.
<dd><p>All codes of these classes have format <code>eee</code>.
<dd><p>All codes of this class have formats that begin with <code>iuueiee</code>.
See <a href="Insns.html#Insns">Insns</a>. Note that not all RTL objects linked onto an insn chain
are of class <code>i</code>.
<dd><p>You can make no assumptions about the format of these codes.
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