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<title>GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals: Top Level</title>
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<a name="Top-Level"></a>
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<a name="Top-Level-Source-Directory"></a>
<h3 class="section">6.2 Top Level Source Directory</h3>
<p>The top level source directory in a GCC distribution contains several
files and directories that are shared with other software
distributions such as that of GNU Binutils. It also contains several
subdirectories that contain parts of GCC and its runtime libraries:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>The Boehm conservative garbage collector, used as part of the Java
runtime library.
<dd><p>Autoconf macros and Makefile fragments used throughout the tree.
<dd><p>Contributed scripts that may be found useful in conjunction with GCC.
One of these, <samp>contrib/</samp>, is used to generate man
pages from Texinfo manuals as part of the GCC build process.
<dd><p>The support for fixing system headers to work with GCC. See
<samp>fixincludes/README</samp> for more information. The headers fixed by
this mechanism are installed in <samp><var>libsubdir</var>/include-fixed</samp>.
Along with those headers, <samp>README-fixinc</samp> is also installed, as
<dd><p>The main sources of GCC itself (except for runtime libraries),
including optimizers, support for different target architectures,
language front ends, and testsuites. See <a href="gcc-Directory.html#gcc-Directory">The
<samp>gcc</samp> Subdirectory</a>, for details.
<dd><p>Support tools for GNAT.
<dd><p>Headers for the <code>libiberty</code> library.
<dd><p>GNU <code>libintl</code>, from GNU <code>gettext</code>, for systems which do not
include it in <code>libc</code>.
<dd><p>The Ada runtime library.
<dd><p>The runtime support library for atomic operations (e.g. for <code>__sync</code>
and <code>__atomic</code>).
<dd><p>The C preprocessor library.
<dd><p>The Decimal Float support library.
<dd><p>The <code>libffi</code> library, used as part of the Java runtime library.
<dd><p>The GCC runtime library.
<dd><p>The Fortran runtime library.
<dd><p>The Go runtime library. The bulk of this library is mirrored from the
<a href="">master Go repository</a>.
<dd><p>The GNU Offloading and Multi Processing Runtime Library.
<dd><p>The <code>libiberty</code> library, used for portability and for some
generally useful data structures and algorithms. See <a href="">Introduction</a> in <cite><small>GNU</small> libiberty</cite>, for more information
about this library.
<dd><p>The runtime support library for transactional memory.
<dd><p>The Java runtime library.
<dd><p>The Objective-C and Objective-C++ runtime library.
<dd><p>The runtime support library for quad-precision math operations.
<dd><p>The Stack protector runtime library.
<dd><p>The C++ runtime library.
<dd><p>Plugin used by the linker if link-time optimizations are enabled.
<dd><p>Scripts used by the <code>gccadmin</code> account on <code></code>.
<dd><p>The <code>zlib</code> compression library, used by the Java front end, as
part of the Java runtime library, and for compressing and uncompressing
GCC&rsquo;s intermediate language in LTO object files.
<p>The build system in the top level directory, including how recursion
into subdirectories works and how building runtime libraries for
multilibs is handled, is documented in a separate manual, included
with GNU Binutils. See <a href="../configure/index.html#Top">GNU configure and build system</a> in <cite>The GNU configure and build system</cite>, for details.
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