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<a name="Commands-For-Killing"></a>
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<a name="Killing-And-Yanking"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">32.4.4 Killing And Yanking</h4>
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>kill-line (C-k)</code>
<a name="index-kill_002dline-_0028C_002dk_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill the text from point to the end of the line.
<dt><code>backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout)</code>
<a name="index-backward_002dkill_002dline-_0028C_002dx-Rubout_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill backward to the beginning of the line.
<dt><code>unix-line-discard (C-u)</code>
<a name="index-unix_002dline_002ddiscard-_0028C_002du_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill backward from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
<dt><code>kill-whole-line ()</code>
<a name="index-kill_002dwhole_002dline-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill all characters on the current line, no matter where point is.
By default, this is unbound.
<dt><code>kill-word (M-d)</code>
<a name="index-kill_002dword-_0028M_002dd_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill from point to the end of the current word, or if between
words, to the end of the next word.
Word boundaries are the same as <code>forward-word</code>.
<dt><code>backward-kill-word (M-<span class="key">DEL</span>)</code>
<a name="index-backward_002dkill_002dword-_0028M_002dDEL_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill the word behind point.
Word boundaries are the same as <code>backward-word</code>.
<dt><code>unix-word-rubout (C-w)</code>
<a name="index-unix_002dword_002drubout-_0028C_002dw_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill the word behind point, using white space as a word boundary.
The killed text is saved on the kill-ring.
<dt><code>unix-filename-rubout ()</code>
<a name="index-unix_002dfilename_002drubout-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill the word behind point, using white space and the slash character
as the word boundaries.
The killed text is saved on the kill-ring.
<dt><code>delete-horizontal-space ()</code>
<a name="index-delete_002dhorizontal_002dspace-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Delete all spaces and tabs around point. By default, this is unbound.
<dt><code>kill-region ()</code>
<a name="index-kill_002dregion-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Kill the text in the current region.
By default, this command is unbound.
<dt><code>copy-region-as-kill ()</code>
<a name="index-copy_002dregion_002das_002dkill-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer, so it can be yanked
right away. By default, this command is unbound.
<dt><code>copy-backward-word ()</code>
<a name="index-copy_002dbackward_002dword-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Copy the word before point to the kill buffer.
The word boundaries are the same as <code>backward-word</code>.
By default, this command is unbound.
<dt><code>copy-forward-word ()</code>
<a name="index-copy_002dforward_002dword-_0028_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Copy the word following point to the kill buffer.
The word boundaries are the same as <code>forward-word</code>.
By default, this command is unbound.
<dt><code>yank (C-y)</code>
<a name="index-yank-_0028C_002dy_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at point.
<dt><code>yank-pop (M-y)</code>
<a name="index-yank_002dpop-_0028M_002dy_0029"></a>
<dd><p>Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if
the prior command is <code>yank</code> or <code>yank-pop</code>.
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