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<a name="GDB_002fMI-Support-Commands"></a>
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<a name="GDB_002fMI-Support-Commands-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">27.23 <small>GDB/MI</small> Support Commands</h3>
<p>Since new commands and features get regularly added to <small>GDB/MI</small>,
some commands are available to help front-ends query the debugger
about support for these capabilities. Similarly, it is also possible
to query <small>GDB</small> about target support of certain features.
<a name="The-_002dinfo_002dgdb_002dmi_002dcommand-Command"></a>
<h4 class="subheading">The <code>-info-gdb-mi-command</code> Command</h4>
<a name="index-_002dinfo_002dgdb_002dmi_002dcommand"></a>
<a name="index-_002dinfo_002dgdb_002dmi_002dcommand-1"></a>
<a name="Synopsis-91"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading">Synopsis</h4>
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample"> -info-gdb-mi-command <var>cmd_name</var>
<p>Query support for the <small>GDB/MI</small> command named <var>cmd_name</var>.
<p>Note that the dash (<code>-</code>) starting all <small>GDB/MI</small> commands
is technically not part of the command name (see <a href="GDB_002fMI-Input-Syntax.html#GDB_002fMI-Input-Syntax">GDB/MI Input Syntax</a>), and thus should be omitted in <var>cmd_name</var>. However,
for ease of use, this command also accepts the form with the leading
<a name="GDB-Command-74"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"><small>GDB</small> Command</h4>
<p>There is no corresponding <small>GDB</small> command.
<a name="Result-8"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading">Result</h4>
<p>The result is a tuple. There is currently only one field:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>This field is equal to <code>&quot;true&quot;</code> if the <small>GDB/MI</small> command exists,
<code>&quot;false&quot;</code> otherwise.
<a name="Example-74"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading">Example</h4>
<p>Here is an example where the <small>GDB/MI</small> command does not exist:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">-info-gdb-mi-command unsupported-command
<p>And here is an example where the <small>GDB/MI</small> command is known
to the debugger:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">-info-gdb-mi-command symbol-list-lines
<a name="The-_002dlist_002dfeatures-Command"></a>
<h4 class="subheading">The <code>-list-features</code> Command</h4>
<a name="index-_002dlist_002dfeatures"></a>
<a name="index-supported-GDB_002fMI-features_002c-list"></a>
<p>Returns a list of particular features of the MI protocol that
this version of gdb implements. A feature can be a command,
or a new field in an output of some command, or even an
important bugfix. While a frontend can sometimes detect presence
of a feature at runtime, it is easier to perform detection at debugger
<p>The command returns a list of strings, with each string naming an
available feature. Each returned string is just a name, it does not
have any internal structure. The list of possible feature names
is given below.
<p>Example output:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">(gdb) -list-features
<p>The current list of features is:
<dl compact="compact">
<a name="index-frozen_002dvarobjs"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <code>-var-set-frozen</code> command, as well
as possible presense of the <code>frozen</code> field in the output
of <code>-varobj-create</code>.
<a name="index-pending_002dbreakpoints"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <samp>-f</samp> option to the <code>-break-insert</code>
<a name="index-python"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates Python scripting support, Python-based
pretty-printing commands, and possible presence of the
&lsquo;<samp>display_hint</samp>&rsquo; field in the output of <code>-var-list-children</code>
<a name="index-thread_002dinfo"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <code>-thread-info</code> command.
<a name="index-data_002dread_002dmemory_002dbytes"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <code>-data-read-memory-bytes</code> and the
<code>-data-write-memory-bytes</code> commands.
<a name="index-breakpoint_002dnotifications"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates that changes to breakpoints and breakpoints created via the
CLI will be announced via async records.
<a name="index-ada_002dtask_002dinfo"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <code>-ada-task-info</code> command.
<a name="index-language_002doption"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates that all <small>GDB/MI</small> commands accept the <samp>--language</samp>
option (see <a href="Context-management.html#Context-management">Context management</a>).
<a name="index-info_002dgdb_002dmi_002dcommand"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the <code>-info-gdb-mi-command</code> command.
<a name="index-undefined_002dcommand_002derror_002dcode"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates support for the &quot;undefined-command&quot; error code in error result
records, produced when trying to execute an undefined <small>GDB/MI</small> command
(see <a href="GDB_002fMI-Result-Records.html#GDB_002fMI-Result-Records">GDB/MI Result Records</a>).
<a name="index-exec_002drun_002dstart_002doption"></a>
<dd><p>Indicates that the <code>-exec-run</code> command supports the <samp>--start</samp>
option (see <a href="GDB_002fMI-Program-Execution.html#GDB_002fMI-Program-Execution">GDB/MI Program Execution</a>).
<a name="The-_002dlist_002dtarget_002dfeatures-Command"></a>
<h4 class="subheading">The <code>-list-target-features</code> Command</h4>
<a name="index-_002dlist_002dtarget_002dfeatures"></a>
<p>Returns a list of particular features that are supported by the
target. Those features affect the permitted MI commands, but
unlike the features reported by the <code>-list-features</code> command, the
features depend on which target GDB is using at the moment. Whenever
a target can change, due to commands such as <code>-target-select</code>,
<code>-target-attach</code> or <code>-exec-run</code>, the list of target features
may change, and the frontend should obtain it again.
Example output:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">(gdb) -list-target-features
<p>The current list of features is:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Indicates that the target is capable of asynchronous command
execution, which means that <small>GDB</small> will accept further commands
while the target is running.
<dd><p>Indicates that the target is capable of reverse execution.
See <a href="Reverse-Execution.html#Reverse-Execution">Reverse Execution</a>, for more information.
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