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<a name="Guile-Pretty-Printing-API-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Guile Pretty Printing API</h4>
<a name="index-guile-pretty-printing-api"></a>
<p>An example output is provided (see <a href="Pretty-Printing.html#Pretty-Printing">Pretty Printing</a>).
<p>A pretty-printer is represented by an object of type &lt;gdb:pretty-printer&gt;.
Pretty-printer objects are created with <code>make-pretty-printer</code>.
<p>The following pretty-printer-related procedures are provided by the
<code>(gdb)</code> module:
<dt><a name="index-make_002dpretty_002dprinter"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>make-pretty-printer</strong> <em>name lookup-function</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return a <code>&lt;gdb:pretty-printer&gt;</code> object named <var>name</var>.
<p><var>lookup-function</var> is a function of one parameter: the value to
be printed. If the value is handled by this pretty-printer, then
<var>lookup-function</var> returns an object of type
&lt;gdb:pretty-printer-worker&gt; to perform the actual pretty-printing.
Otherwise <var>lookup-function</var> returns <code>#f</code>.
<dt><a name="index-pretty_002dprinter_003f"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>pretty-printer?</strong> <em>object</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>object</var> is a <code>&lt;gdb:pretty-printer&gt;</code> object.
Otherwise return <code>#f</code>.
<dt><a name="index-pretty_002dprinter_002denabled_003f"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>pretty-printer-enabled?</strong> <em>pretty-printer</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>pretty-printer</var> is enabled.
Otherwise return <code>#f</code>.
<dt><a name="index-set_002dpretty_002dprinter_002denabled_0021"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>set-pretty-printer-enabled!</strong> <em>pretty-printer flag</em></dt>
<dd><p>Set the enabled flag of <var>pretty-printer</var> to <var>flag</var>.
The value returned is unspecified.
<dt><a name="index-pretty_002dprinters"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>pretty-printers</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Return the list of global pretty-printers.
<dt><a name="index-set_002dpretty_002dprinters_0021"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>set-pretty-printers!</strong> <em>pretty-printers</em></dt>
<dd><p>Set the list of global pretty-printers to <var>pretty-printers</var>.
The value returned is unspecified.
<dt><a name="index-make_002dpretty_002dprinter_002dworker"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>make-pretty-printer-worker</strong> <em>display-hint to-string children</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return an object of type <code>&lt;gdb:pretty-printer-worker&gt;</code>.
<p>This function takes three parameters:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p><var>display-hint</var> provides a hint to <small>GDB</small> or <small>GDB</small>
front end via MI to change the formatting of the value being printed.
The value must be a string or <code>#f</code> (meaning there is no hint).
Several values for <var>display-hint</var>
are predefined by <small>GDB</small>:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Indicate that the object being printed is &ldquo;array-like&rdquo;. The CLI
uses this to respect parameters such as <code>set print elements</code> and
<code>set print array</code>.
<dd><p>Indicate that the object being printed is &ldquo;map-like&rdquo;, and that the
children of this value can be assumed to alternate between keys and
<dd><p>Indicate that the object being printed is &ldquo;string-like&rdquo;. If the
printer&rsquo;s <code>to-string</code> function returns a Guile string of some
kind, then <small>GDB</small> will call its internal language-specific
string-printing function to format the string. For the CLI this means
adding quotation marks, possibly escaping some characters, respecting
<code>set print elements</code>, and the like.
<dd><p><var>to-string</var> is either a function of one parameter, the
<code>&lt;gdb:pretty-printer-worker&gt;</code> object, or <code>#f</code>.
<p>When printing from the CLI, if the <code>to-string</code> method exists,
then <small>GDB</small> will prepend its result to the values returned by
<code>children</code>. Exactly how this formatting is done is dependent on
the display hint, and may change as more hints are added. Also,
depending on the print settings (see <a href="Print-Settings.html#Print-Settings">Print Settings</a>), the CLI may
print just the result of <code>to-string</code> in a stack trace, omitting
the result of <code>children</code>.
<p>If this method returns a string, it is printed verbatim.
<p>Otherwise, if this method returns an instance of <code>&lt;gdb:value&gt;</code>,
then <small>GDB</small> prints this value. This may result in a call to
another pretty-printer.
<p>If instead the method returns a Guile value which is convertible to a
<code>&lt;gdb:value&gt;</code>, then <small>GDB</small> performs the conversion and prints
the resulting value. Again, this may result in a call to another
pretty-printer. Guile scalars (integers, floats, and booleans) and
strings are convertible to <code>&lt;gdb:value&gt;</code>; other types are not.
<p>Finally, if this method returns <code>#f</code> then no further operations
are peformed in this method and nothing is printed.
<p>If the result is not one of these types, an exception is raised.
<p><var>to-string</var> may also be <code>#f</code> in which case it is left to
<var>children</var> to print the value.
<dd><p><var>children</var> is either a function of one parameter, the
<code>&lt;gdb:pretty-printer-worker&gt;</code> object, or <code>#f</code>.
<p><small>GDB</small> will call this function on a pretty-printer to compute the
children of the pretty-printer&rsquo;s value.
<p>This function must return a &lt;gdb:iterator&gt; object.
Each item returned by the iterator must be a tuple holding
two elements. The first element is the &ldquo;name&rdquo; of the child; the
second element is the child&rsquo;s value. The value can be any Guile
object which is convertible to a <small>GDB</small> value.
<p>If <var>children</var> is <code>#f</code>, <small>GDB</small> will act
as though the value has no children.
<p><small>GDB</small> provides a function which can be used to look up the
default pretty-printer for a <code>&lt;gdb:value&gt;</code>:
<dt><a name="index-default_002dvisualizer"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>default-visualizer</strong> <em>value</em></dt>
<dd><p>This function takes a <code>&lt;gdb:value&gt;</code> object as an argument. If a
pretty-printer for this value exists, then it is returned. If no such
printer exists, then this returns <code>#f</code>.
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