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<a name="Interrupts"></a>
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<a name="Interrupts-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">E.8 Interrupts</h3>
<a name="index-interrupts-_0028remote-protocol_0029"></a>
<p>When a program on the remote target is running, <small>GDB</small> may
attempt to interrupt it by sending a &lsquo;<samp>Ctrl-C</samp>&rsquo;, <code>BREAK</code> or
a <code>BREAK</code> followed by <code>g</code>,
control of which is specified via <small>GDB</small>&rsquo;s &lsquo;<samp>interrupt-sequence</samp>&rsquo;.
<p>The precise meaning of <code>BREAK</code> is defined by the transport
mechanism and may, in fact, be undefined. <small>GDB</small> does not
currently define a <code>BREAK</code> mechanism for any of the network
interfaces except for TCP, in which case <small>GDB</small> sends the
<code>telnet</code> BREAK sequence.
<p>&lsquo;<samp>Ctrl-C</samp>&rsquo;, on the other hand, is defined and implemented for all
transport mechanisms. It is represented by sending the single byte
<code>0x03</code> without any of the usual packet overhead described in
the Overview section (see <a href="Overview.html#Overview">Overview</a>). When a <code>0x03</code> byte is
transmitted as part of a packet, it is considered to be packet data
and does <em>not</em> represent an interrupt. E.g., an &lsquo;<samp>X</samp>&rsquo; packet
(see <a href="Packets.html#X-packet">X packet</a>), used for binary downloads, may include an unescaped
<code>0x03</code> as part of its packet.
<p><code>BREAK</code> followed by <code>g</code> is also known as Magic SysRq g.
When Linux kernel receives this sequence from serial port,
it stops execution and connects to gdb.
<p>Stubs are not required to recognize these interrupt mechanisms and the
precise meaning associated with receipt of the interrupt is
implementation defined. If the target supports debugging of multiple
threads and/or processes, it should attempt to interrupt all
currently-executing threads and processes.
If the stub is successful at interrupting the
running program, it should send one of the stop
reply packets (see <a href="Stop-Reply-Packets.html#Stop-Reply-Packets">Stop Reply Packets</a>) to <small>GDB</small> as a result
of successfully stopping the program in all-stop mode, and a stop reply
for each stopped thread in non-stop mode.
Interrupts received while the
program is stopped are discarded.
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