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<a name="Introduction-and-Notation"></a>
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<a name="Introduction-to-Line-Editing"></a>
<h3 class="section">32.1 Introduction to Line Editing</h3>
<p>The following paragraphs describe the notation used to represent
<p>The text <kbd>C-k</kbd> is read as &lsquo;Control-K&rsquo; and describes the character
produced when the <tt class="key">k</tt> key is pressed while the Control key
is depressed.
<p>The text <kbd>M-k</kbd> is read as &lsquo;Meta-K&rsquo; and describes the character
produced when the Meta key (if you have one) is depressed, and the <tt class="key">k</tt>
key is pressed.
The Meta key is labeled <tt class="key">ALT</tt> on many keyboards.
On keyboards with two keys labeled <tt class="key">ALT</tt> (usually to either side of
the space bar), the <tt class="key">ALT</tt> on the left side is generally set to
work as a Meta key.
The <tt class="key">ALT</tt> key on the right may also be configured to work as a
Meta key or may be configured as some other modifier, such as a
Compose key for typing accented characters.
<p>If you do not have a Meta or <tt class="key">ALT</tt> key, or another key working as
a Meta key, the identical keystroke can be generated by typing <tt class="key">ESC</tt>
<em>first</em>, and then typing <tt class="key">k</tt>.
Either process is known as <em>metafying</em> the <tt class="key">k</tt> key.
<p>The text <kbd>M-C-k</kbd> is read as &lsquo;Meta-Control-k&rsquo; and describes the
character produced by <em>metafying</em> <kbd>C-k</kbd>.
<p>In addition, several keys have their own names. Specifically,
<tt class="key">DEL</tt>, <tt class="key">ESC</tt>, <tt class="key">LFD</tt>, <tt class="key">SPC</tt>, <tt class="key">RET</tt>, and <tt class="key">TAB</tt> all
stand for themselves when seen in this text, or in an init file
(see <a href="Readline-Init-File.html#Readline-Init-File">Readline Init File</a>).
If your keyboard lacks a <tt class="key">LFD</tt> key, typing <tt class="key">C-j</tt> will
produce the desired character.
The <tt class="key">RET</tt> key may be labeled <tt class="key">Return</tt> or <tt class="key">Enter</tt> on
some keyboards.
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