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<title>The GNU Fortran Compiler: _gfortran_caf_init</title>
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<a name="g_t_005fgfortran_005fcaf_005finit-_002d_002d_002d-Initialiation-function"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">8.2.1 <code>_gfortran_caf_init</code> &mdash; Initialiation function</h4>
<a name="index-Coarray_002c-_005fgfortran_005fcaf_005finit"></a>
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>This function is called at startup of the program before the Fortran main
program, if the latter has been compiled with <samp>-fcoarray=lib</samp>.
It takes as arguments the command-line arguments of the program. It is
permitted to pass to <code>NULL</code> pointers as argument; if non-<code>NULL</code>,
the library is permitted to modify the arguments.
<dd><p><code>void _gfortran_caf_init (int *argc, char ***argv)</code>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>argc</var></td><td width="70%">intent(inout) An integer pointer with the number of
arguments passed to the program or <code>NULL</code>.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="15%"><var>argv</var></td><td width="70%">intent(inout) A pointer to an array of strings with the
command-line arguments or <code>NULL</code>.</td></tr>
<dd><p>The function is modelled after the initialization function of the Message
Passing Interface (MPI) specification. Due to the way coarray registration
works, it might not be the first call to the libaray. If the main program is
not written in Fortran and only a library uses coarrays, it can happen that
this function is never called. Therefore, it is recommended that the library
does not rely on the passed arguments and whether the call has been done.