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<a name="Assembly-Code"></a>
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<a name="The-Simple-Example-at-the-Assembly-Level"></a>
<h3 class="section">1.5 The Simple Example at the Assembly Level</h3>
<p>This simple &ldquo;hello world&rdquo; example demonstrates several of the stab
types used to describe C language source files.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">1 gcc2_compiled.:
2 .stabs &quot;/cygint/s1/users/jcm/play/&quot;,100,0,0,Ltext0
3 .stabs &quot;hello.c&quot;,100,0,0,Ltext0
4 .text
5 Ltext0:
6 .stabs &quot;int:t1=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;&quot;,128,0,0,0
7 .stabs &quot;char:t2=r2;0;127;&quot;,128,0,0,0
8 .stabs &quot;long int:t3=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;&quot;,128,0,0,0
9 .stabs &quot;unsigned int:t4=r1;0;-1;&quot;,128,0,0,0
10 .stabs &quot;long unsigned int:t5=r1;0;-1;&quot;,128,0,0,0
11 .stabs &quot;short int:t6=r1;-32768;32767;&quot;,128,0,0,0
12 .stabs &quot;long long int:t7=r1;0;-1;&quot;,128,0,0,0
13 .stabs &quot;short unsigned int:t8=r1;0;65535;&quot;,128,0,0,0
14 .stabs &quot;long long unsigned int:t9=r1;0;-1;&quot;,128,0,0,0
15 .stabs &quot;signed char:t10=r1;-128;127;&quot;,128,0,0,0
16 .stabs &quot;unsigned char:t11=r1;0;255;&quot;,128,0,0,0
17 .stabs &quot;float:t12=r1;4;0;&quot;,128,0,0,0
18 .stabs &quot;double:t13=r1;8;0;&quot;,128,0,0,0
19 .stabs &quot;long double:t14=r1;8;0;&quot;,128,0,0,0
20 .stabs &quot;void:t15=15&quot;,128,0,0,0
21 .align 4
22 LC0:
23 .ascii &quot;Hello, world!\12\0&quot;
24 .align 4
25 .global _main
26 .proc 1
27 _main:
28 .stabn 68,0,4,LM1
29 LM1:
30 !#PROLOGUE# 0
31 save %sp,-136,%sp
32 !#PROLOGUE# 1
33 call ___main,0
34 nop
35 .stabn 68,0,5,LM2
36 LM2:
37 LBB2:
38 sethi %hi(LC0),%o1
39 or %o1,%lo(LC0),%o0
40 call _printf,0
41 nop
42 .stabn 68,0,6,LM3
43 LM3:
44 LBE2:
45 .stabn 68,0,6,LM4
46 LM4:
47 L1:
48 ret
49 restore
50 .stabs &quot;main:F1&quot;,36,0,0,_main
51 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB2
52 .stabn 224,0,0,LBE2