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<a name="Types-In-Python"></a>
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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Types In Python</h5>
<p><a name="index-types-in-Python-1927"></a><a name="index-Python_002c-working-with-types-1928"></a>
<a name="index-gdb_002eType-1929"></a><span class="sc">gdb</span> represents types from the inferior using the class
<p>The following type-related functions are available in the <code>gdb</code>
<p><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005ftype-1930"></a>
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>gdb.lookup_type</b> (<var>name </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, block</var><span class="roman">]</span>)<var><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005ftype-1931"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>This function looks up a type by its <var>name</var>, which must be a string.
<p>If <var>block</var> is given, then <var>name</var> is looked up in that scope.
Otherwise, it is searched for globally.
<p>Ordinarily, this function will return an instance of <code>gdb.Type</code>.
If the named type cannot be found, it will throw an exception.
<p>If the type is a structure or class type, or an enum type, the fields
of that type can be accessed using the Python <dfn>dictionary syntax</dfn>.
For example, if <code>some_type</code> is a <code>gdb.Type</code> instance holding
a structure type, you can access its <code>foo</code> field with:
<pre class="smallexample"> bar = some_type['foo']
<p><code>bar</code> will be a <code>gdb.Field</code> object; see below under the
description of the <code>Type.fields</code> method for a description of the
<code>gdb.Field</code> class.
<p>An instance of <code>Type</code> has the following attributes:
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>Type.alignof</b><var><a name="index-Type_002ealignof-1932"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>The alignment of this type, in bytes. Type alignment comes from the
debugging information; if it was not specified, then <span class="sc">gdb</span> will
use the relevant ABI to try to determine the alignment. In some
cases, even this is not possible, and zero will be returned.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>Type.code</b><var><a name="index-Type_002ecode-1933"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>The type code for this type. The type code will be one of the
<code>TYPE_CODE_</code> constants defined below.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b></b><var><a name="index-Type_002ename-1934"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>The name of this type. If this type has no name, then <code>None</code>
is returned.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>Type.sizeof</b><var><a name="index-Type_002esizeof-1935"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>The size of this type, in target <code>char</code> units. Usually, a
target's <code>char</code> type will be an 8-bit byte. However, on some
unusual platforms, this type may have a different size.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>Type.tag</b><var><a name="index-Type_002etag-1936"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>The tag name for this type. The tag name is the name after
<code>struct</code>, <code>union</code>, or <code>enum</code> in C and C<tt>++</tt>; not all
languages have this concept. If this type has no tag name, then
<code>None</code> is returned.
<p>The following methods are provided:
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.fields</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002efields-1937"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>For structure and union types, this method returns the fields. Range
types have two fields, the minimum and maximum values. Enum types
have one field per enum constant. Function and method types have one
field per parameter. The base types of C<tt>++</tt> classes are also
represented as fields. If the type has no fields, or does not fit
into one of these categories, an empty sequence will be returned.
<p>Each field is a <code>gdb.Field</code> object, with some pre-defined attributes:
<dt><code>bitpos</code><dd>This attribute is not available for <code>enum</code> or <code>static</code>
(as in C<tt>++</tt>) fields. The value is the position, counting
in bits, from the start of the containing type.
<br><dt><code>enumval</code><dd>This attribute is only available for <code>enum</code> fields, and its value
is the enumeration member's integer representation.
<br><dt><code>name</code><dd>The name of the field, or <code>None</code> for anonymous fields.
<br><dt><code>artificial</code><dd>This is <code>True</code> if the field is artificial, usually meaning that
it was provided by the compiler and not the user. This attribute is
always provided, and is <code>False</code> if the field is not artificial.
<br><dt><code>is_base_class</code><dd>This is <code>True</code> if the field represents a base class of a C<tt>++</tt>
structure. This attribute is always provided, and is <code>False</code>
if the field is not a base class of the type that is the argument of
<code>fields</code>, or if that type was not a C<tt>++</tt> class.
<br><dt><code>bitsize</code><dd>If the field is packed, or is a bitfield, then this will have a
non-zero value, which is the size of the field in bits. Otherwise,
this will be zero; in this case the field's size is given by its type.
<br><dt><code>type</code><dd>The type of the field. This is usually an instance of <code>Type</code>,
but it can be <code>None</code> in some situations.
<br><dt><code>parent_type</code><dd>The type which contains this field. This is an instance of
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.array</b> (<var>n1 </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, n2</var><span class="roman">]</span>)<var><a name="index-Type_002earray-1938"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents an array of this
type. If one argument is given, it is the inclusive upper bound of
the array; in this case the lower bound is zero. If two arguments are
given, the first argument is the lower bound of the array, and the
second argument is the upper bound of the array. An array's length
must not be negative, but the bounds can be.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.vector</b> (<var>n1 </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, n2</var><span class="roman">]</span>)<var><a name="index-Type_002evector-1939"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents a vector of this
type. If one argument is given, it is the inclusive upper bound of
the vector; in this case the lower bound is zero. If two arguments are
given, the first argument is the lower bound of the vector, and the
second argument is the upper bound of the vector. A vector's length
must not be negative, but the bounds can be.
<p>The difference between an <code>array</code> and a <code>vector</code> is that
arrays behave like in C: when used in expressions they decay to a pointer
to the first element whereas vectors are treated as first class values.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.const</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002econst-1940"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents a
<code>const</code>-qualified variant of this type.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.volatile</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002evolatile-1941"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents a
<code>volatile</code>-qualified variant of this type.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.unqualified</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002eunqualified-1942"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents an unqualified
variant of this type. That is, the result is neither <code>const</code> nor
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.range</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002erange-1943"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a Python <code>Tuple</code> object that contains two elements: the
low bound of the argument type and the high bound of that type. If
the type does not have a range, <span class="sc">gdb</span> will raise a
<code>gdb.error</code> exception (see <a href="Exception-Handling.html#Exception-Handling">Exception Handling</a>).
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.reference</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002ereference-1944"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents a reference to this
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.pointer</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002epointer-1945"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents a pointer to this
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.strip_typedefs</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002estrip_005ftypedefs-1946"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> that represents the real type,
after removing all layers of typedefs.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b></b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002etarget-1947"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return a new <code>gdb.Type</code> object which represents the target type
of this type.
<p>For a pointer type, the target type is the type of the pointed-to
object. For an array type (meaning C-like arrays), the target type is
the type of the elements of the array. For a function or method type,
the target type is the type of the return value. For a complex type,
the target type is the type of the elements. For a typedef, the
target type is the aliased type.
<p>If the type does not have a target, this method will throw an
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.template_argument</b> (<var>n </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, block</var><span class="roman">]</span>)<var><a name="index-Type_002etemplate_005fargument-1948"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>If this <code>gdb.Type</code> is an instantiation of a template, this will
return a new <code>gdb.Value</code> or <code>gdb.Type</code> which represents the
value of the <var>n</var>th template argument (indexed starting at 0).
<p>If this <code>gdb.Type</code> is not a template type, or if the type has fewer
than <var>n</var> template arguments, this will throw an exception.
Ordinarily, only C<tt>++</tt> code will have template types.
<p>If <var>block</var> is given, then <var>name</var> is looked up in that scope.
Otherwise, it is searched for globally.
<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>Type.optimized_out</b> ()<var><a name="index-Type_002eoptimized_005fout-1949"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Return <code>gdb.Value</code> instance of this type whose value is optimized
out. This allows a frame decorator to indicate that the value of an
argument or a local variable is not known.
<p>Each type has a code, which indicates what category this type falls
into. The available type categories are represented by constants
defined in the <code>gdb</code> module:
<a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fPTR-1950"></a>
<dl><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fPTR-1951"></a><dd>The type is a pointer.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fARRAY-1952"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_ARRAY</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fARRAY-1953"></a><dd>The type is an array.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fSTRUCT-1954"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_STRUCT</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fSTRUCT-1955"></a><dd>The type is a structure.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fUNION-1956"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_UNION</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fUNION-1957"></a><dd>The type is a union.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fENUM-1958"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_ENUM</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fENUM-1959"></a><dd>The type is an enum.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fFLAGS-1960"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_FLAGS</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fFLAGS-1961"></a><dd>A bit flags type, used for things such as status registers.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fFUNC-1962"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_FUNC</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fFUNC-1963"></a><dd>The type is a function.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fINT-1964"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fINT-1965"></a><dd>The type is an integer type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fFLT-1966"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_FLT</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fFLT-1967"></a><dd>A floating point type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fVOID-1968"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_VOID</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fVOID-1969"></a><dd>The special type <code>void</code>.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fSET-1970"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_SET</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fSET-1971"></a><dd>A Pascal set type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fRANGE-1972"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_RANGE</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fRANGE-1973"></a><dd>A range type, that is, an integer type with bounds.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fSTRING-1974"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_STRING</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fSTRING-1975"></a><dd>A string type. Note that this is only used for certain languages with
language-defined string types; C strings are not represented this way.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fBITSTRING-1976"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_BITSTRING</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fBITSTRING-1977"></a><dd>A string of bits. It is deprecated.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fERROR-1978"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_ERROR</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fERROR-1979"></a><dd>An unknown or erroneous type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fMETHOD-1980"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_METHOD</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fMETHOD-1981"></a><dd>A method type, as found in C<tt>++</tt>.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fMETHODPTR-1982"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_METHODPTR</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fMETHODPTR-1983"></a><dd>A pointer-to-member-function.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fMEMBERPTR-1984"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_MEMBERPTR</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fMEMBERPTR-1985"></a><dd>A pointer-to-member.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fREF-1986"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fREF-1987"></a><dd>A reference type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fRVALUE_005fREF-1988"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_RVALUE_REF</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fRVALUE_005fREF-1989"></a><dd>A C<tt>++</tt>11 rvalue reference type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fCHAR-1990"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_CHAR</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fCHAR-1991"></a><dd>A character type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fBOOL-1992"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_BOOL</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fBOOL-1993"></a><dd>A boolean type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fCOMPLEX-1994"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_COMPLEX</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fCOMPLEX-1995"></a><dd>A complex float type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fTYPEDEF-1996"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fTYPEDEF-1997"></a><dd>A typedef to some other type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fNAMESPACE-1998"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_NAMESPACE</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fNAMESPACE-1999"></a><dd>A C<tt>++</tt> namespace.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fDECFLOAT-2000"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_DECFLOAT</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fDECFLOAT-2001"></a><dd>A decimal floating point type.
<p><a name="index-TYPE_005fCODE_005fINTERNAL_005fFUNCTION-2002"></a><br><dt><code>gdb.TYPE_CODE_INTERNAL_FUNCTION</code><a name="index-gdb_002eTYPE_005fCODE_005fINTERNAL_005fFUNCTION-2003"></a><dd>A function internal to <span class="sc">gdb</span>. This is the type used to represent
convenience functions.
<p>Further support for types is provided in the <code>gdb.types</code>
Python module (see <a href="gdb_002etypes.html#gdb_002etypes">gdb.types</a>).