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<h3 class="heading">gcore</h3>
<!-- man title gcore Generate a core file of a running program -->
<pre class="format"><!-- man begin SYNOPSIS gcore -->
gcore [-a] [-o <var>prefix</var>] <var>pid1</var> [<var>pid2</var>...<var>pidN</var>]
<!-- man end -->
<!-- man begin DESCRIPTION gcore -->
<p>Generate core dumps of one or more running programs with process IDs
<var>pid1</var>, <var>pid2</var>, etc. A core file produced by <samp><span class="command">gcore</span></samp>
is equivalent to one produced by the kernel when the process crashes
(and when <kbd>ulimit -c</kbd> was used to set up an appropriate core dump
limit). However, unlike after a crash, after <samp><span class="command">gcore</span></samp> finishes
its job the program remains running without any change.
<!-- man end -->
<!-- man begin OPTIONS gcore -->
<dt><samp><span class="env">-a</span></samp><dd>Dump all memory mappings. The actual effect of this option depends on
the Operating System. On <span class="sc">gnu</span>/Linux, it will disable
<code>use-coredump-filter</code> (see <a href="set-use_002dcoredump_002dfilter.html#set-use_002dcoredump_002dfilter">set use-coredump-filter</a>) and
enable <code>dump-excluded-mappings</code> (see <a href="set-dump_002dexcluded_002dmappings.html#set-dump_002dexcluded_002dmappings">set dump-excluded-mappings</a>).
<br><dt><samp><span class="env">-o </span><var>prefix</var></samp><dd>The optional argument <var>prefix</var> specifies the prefix to be used
when composing the file names of the core dumps. The file name is
composed as <samp><var>prefix</var><span class="file">.</span><var>pid</var></samp>, where <var>pid</var> is the
process ID of the running program being analyzed by <samp><span class="command">gcore</span></samp>.
If not specified, <var>prefix</var> defaults to <var>gcore</var>.
<!-- man end -->
<!-- man begin SEEALSO gcore -->
<!-- man end -->