blob: fd4c6707de8185b3ad820d04d017881eaec5622a [file] [log] [blame]
Allwinner Nezha
Nezha is is a low-cost RISC-V 64-bit based platform, powered by an
Allwinner D1 SoC.
How to build
$ make nezha_defconfig
$ make
How to write the SD card
Once the build process is finished you will have an image called "sdcard.img"
in the output/images/ directory.
Copy the bootable "sdcard.img" onto an SD card with "dd":
$ sudo dd if=output/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX
Connect a TTL UART to the debug connector, insert the microSD card and
plug in a USB-C cable to the PWR connector to boot the system.