blob: 12198051a45a07e66b641f38bbd04f9ea836aa95 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# shellcheck source=helpers source-path=SCRIPTDIR
. "${0%/*}/helpers"
if [ "${BR_CARGO_MANIFEST_PATH}" ]; then
printf 'Setting BR_CARGO_MANIFEST_PATH is no longer supported; use post-process options.\n' >&2
exit 1
while getopts "n:o:m:" OPT; do
case "${OPT}" in
o) output="${OPTARG}";;
n) base_name="${OPTARG}";;
m) manifest="${OPTARG}";;
:) error "option '%s' expects a mandatory argument\n" "${OPTARG}";;
\?) error "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}";;
# Already vendored tarball, nothing to do
if tar tf "${output}" | grep -q "^[^/]*/VENDOR" ; then
exit 0
post_process_unpack "${base_name}" "${output}"
# Do the Cargo vendoring
pushd "${base_name}" > /dev/null
# Create the local .cargo/config with vendor info
mkdir -p .cargo/
mkdir -p "${CARGO_HOME}"
flock "${CARGO_HOME}"/.br-lock \
cargo vendor \
--manifest-path "${manifest}" \
--locked VENDOR \
> .cargo/config
# "cargo vendor' outputs on stderr a message directing to add some data
# to the project's .cargo/config.toml, data that it outputs on stdout.
# Since we redirect stdout to .cargo/config.toml, the message on stderr
# gets confusing, so instruct the user that it's been handled.
printf '(note: .cargo/config.toml automatically updated by Buildroot)\n\n'
popd > /dev/null
post_process_repack "$(pwd)" "${base_name}" "${output}"